3rd Grade Vocabulary Game

Play this interesting 3rd Grade Vocabulary Game to identify and spell important math terms that every third grade student should know. What a great way to review and practice key math words and definitions!

For each word, kids will have up to 60 seconds to type the correct math term for each given definition. Most vocabulary words have an illustration or an example. This game can be played on computers, iPads, and other tablets. You do not need to install an app to play this game on the iPad.

3rd Grade Vocabulary Game

The game uses some of the following 3rd grade vocabulary words:

area, array, associative, commutative, bar graph, compose, congruent, data, decompose, denominator, digit, distributive, dividend, divisor, endpoint, equation, equivalent fractions, estimate, evaluate,expanded form, factor, fraction, gram, hexagon, inch, line, line plot, mass, meter, multiple, number line, numerator, parallel lines, parallelogram, parentheses, peremeter, poligon, quotient, remainder, sequence, trapezoid, unit, vertex, yard

To play other exciting math vocabulary games, please visit this link.

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